30 Apr 2017

Tips For Solo Female Traveler In India

If you are a solo female traveler in India then you definitely haven’t got it easy. The whole image of India has been made out to be ‘not safe for women’ and rightly so. There have been a lot of cases of eve-teasing that solo women travelers have faced in the country. There are a lot of complaints of foreign females getting ripped off by the locals.

But a lot of female travel bloggers have shared their wonderful experiences about India and how they loved their time here. Here are some tips that you can keep in mind while taking a tour of India as a solo female traveler:

Do Your Homework:

Before setting off to any destinations make sure you have basic knowledge about the places, the facilities and transportation there. Chances are that you might get ripped off by locals. If you are booking a cab, consider doing it through the prepaid taxi booth which is managed by the Police themselves.

Travel In At Least 3rd Class AC:

While travelling in India, at one point, you’ll have to travel by the train. It is recommended that you travel in 3rd AC as it much safer than the sleeper coach. Also, a lot of families travel in 3rd AC so you will have the sense of security and can sleep in peace. If you want to be even safer you can travel by flights. You can even get cheap domestic air tickets online on various travelling websites.

Be Alert While Taking A Rickshaw Or Taxi:

When taking a taxi or a rickshaw make sure to note down its license plate number and forward it to someone you trust. If you want to be extra safe, just make a ghost call to your pretend husband or father and yell the taxi number loud enough so that the driver can hear you. Also, don’t let anyone else board the rickshaw of taxi. Even if the driver tells you that he is giving a lift to his friend, just tell him that you will take another taxi if need be.

Don’t Be Afraid To Speak Out:

If you feel like someone is staring at you intently or trying to touch you and you don’t like it, speak out. Once you are loud enough and embarrass them in public they will leave you alone and even run away from the situation. Don’t get suppressed in any situation. Stand your ground firmly and be strong. Lose the fear and you’ll do just fine.

Avoid Travelling Alone At Night:

Avoid travelling alone at night, especially in empty buses. It is best not to take a risk in these situations. Instead stay at a safe hotel and make sure to forward your stay details to someone you know just to be on a safe side.

Dress Moderately:

While travelling in India, make sure you respect the values of the culture. When going into temples or religious landmarks, dress appropriately. Avoid wearing skimpy clothes in public places. You can dress as you want in places like Goa in the nightclubs. But be careful because you don’t want to attract unwanted attention.

Don’t be afraid of travelling in India but make sure you are taking all the precautions while travelling just in case. It is better to be safe than sorry. So find cheap air tickets domestic and enjoy the culture and the diversity in the land of The Ganges.  


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